
Journal Publication

Nature Communications 誌にTakuma Makiharaらとの共同研究が掲載

Ultrastrong magnon–magnon coupling dominated by antiresonant interactions

Exotic quantum vacuum phenomena are predicted in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) systems with ultrastrong light-matter interactions. Their ground states are predicted to be vacuum squeezed states with suppressed quantum fluctuations. The source of such phenomena are antiresonant terms in the Hamiltonian, yet antiresonant interactions are typically negligible compared to resonant interactions in light-matter systems. We report an unusual coupled matter-matter system of magnons that can simulate a unique cavity QED  Hamiltonian with coupling strengths that are easily tunable into the ultrastrong coupling regime and with dominant antiresonant terms. We found a novel regime where vacuum Bloch-Siegert shifts, the hallmark of antiresonant interactions, greatly exceed analogous frequency shifts from resonant interactions. Further, we theoretically explored the system’s ground state and calculated up to 5.9 dB of quantum fluctuation suppression. These observations demonstrate that magnonic systems provide an ideal platform for simulating exotic quantum vacuum phenomena predicted in ultrastrongly coupled light-matter systems.

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Takuma MakiharaKenji HayashidaG. Timothy Noe IIXinwei LiNicolas Marquez PeracaXiaoxuan MaZuanming JinWei RenGuohong MaIkufumi KatayamaJun TakedaHiroyuki NojiriDmitry TurchinovichShixun CaoMotoaki Bamba, and Junichiro Kono

Ultrastrong magnon–magnon coupling dominated by antiresonant interactions Nature Communications 12 (3115), published online (2021)