成员:2023年4月 – 2024年3月

马场基彰博士(BAMBA, Motoaki)

横滨国立大学 大学院工学研究院 副教授

Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering Division of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Yokohama National University

(Concurrent) Graduate school of Engineering Science Department of Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Yokohama National University

(Concurrent) College of Engineering Science Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Yokohama National University


Physics and Applied Physics Program,
Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 
College of Engineering Science,
Yokohama National University

4th year (Senior)

掛本 健KAKEMOTO, KenFree energies of water molecules under ultrastrong coupling with an infrared resonator mode
斎藤 佑樹SAITO, YukiTemporal correlations of quantum fluctuations near the superradiant phase transition
中尾 太一NAKAO, TaichiOn the possibility of superradiant phase transitions by strained Ge quantum wells
平田 祐樹HIRATA, YukiLasing and superradiant phase transition in the Dicke model under ultra-strong coupling regime
山田 爽太YAMADA, SotaAnalysis of polariton formation by electron paramagnetic resonance in Gd3Ga5O12

3rd year (Junior) participating in Journal Club

後藤 京介GOTO, Kyosuke


河野 淳一郎KONO, JunichiroRice University
栗原 貴之KURIHARA, Takayuki东京大学
内田 健人UCHIDA, Kento京都大学


林田 健二HAYASHIDA, Kenji北海道大学 博士课程
