
  1. S. Wakaiki, H. Ichida, M. Bamba, T. Kawase, M. Kawakami, K. Mizoguchi, D. Kim, M. Nakayama, and Y. Kanematsu
    Emission-energy dependence of ultrafast P-emission decay in ZnO from bulk to nanofilm
    Journal of Luminescence 152, 250-253 (2014)
    18th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids
  2. H. Tahara, M. Bamba, Y. Ogawa, and F. Minami
    Coherent spectral change of four-wave mixing signals from exciton-polaritons in ZnSe epitaxial layer
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1566, 484-485 (2013)
    THE PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTORS: Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS) 2012
  3. M. Bamba and H. Ishihara
    Radiative decay theory of excitons in nano-to-macro crossover
    International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” 171, 521 (2009)
    Proceedings of International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”: Course CLXXI “Quantum Coherence in Solid State Systems”
  4. M. Bamba and H. Ishihara
    Radiative decay theory: What suppresses exciton superradiance?
    physica status solidi (c) 6(1), 128-132 (2009)
    Proceedings of 8th Internatioanl Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (EXCON’08)
  5. M. Bamba and H. Ishihara
    QED theory for excitons with microscopic nonlocality
    physica status solidi (c) 5(7), 2387-2390 (2008)
    Proceedings of 10th Conference on the “Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems” (OECS10)
  6. M. Bamba and H. Ishihara
    Entangled-photon generation via biexcitons in nano-structures
    physica status solidi (c) 3(10), 3460-3463 (2006)
    Proceedings of 7th Internatioanl Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (EXCON’06)